
Another misinformed, misguided but opinionated individual who feels the need to contribute. Now you too can view the world through the the eyes of a middle-aged man who can't see his toes, let alone the point of it all.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My Personal Banker

I'm between jobs at the moment - or 'self-funded' as Lloyds TSB politely refers to me as. Apparantly the bank doesn't open accounts for the unemployed, so we had to find a category that best described my current situation without offending me or the computer program.

When I was just a young boy (5 years old), all you needed to open a bank account was a note from your mother and a hand full of coins. The banks were more than happy to take all your money in exchange for a small plastic money box and a deposit book.

38 years later I had to endure a 40 minute interview, had to present 2 forms of identification and produce a reference letter from a preferred customer....even then the Branch Manager had to call headoffice to seek approval to proceed with the application! I just wonder how difficult it's going to be for me to make a withdrawal.

Anyway, I have my debit card now.....I've just got to find somewhere in the tent to put it.


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