To the Pompous Plonker...
There are two office farewell parties on this evening, and I don't know which one to go to. Should I head off to the Fight'n'Spew with the sales guys? They're always good for a laugh, but the scenario is always a little too predictable. After the copious consumption of 'Temporary Happiness Facilitator', followed by shots of flaming 'Aggressive Mannerism Promoter' the sales team tend to go on a tired and emotional bungee jump of ever diminishing coherency and responsibility - I really don't want to end up in a club of ill-repute at four in the morning with 8 drunk Account Managers arguing about who has the largest salary package.
Maybe I should wander off to the Pompous Plonker with the Training Team? The drinks are a little more expensive, but it's a far more refined crowd. Mind you, the last time the training girls held a farewell, one of them threw up all over her lap and three of them got into a fight in the ladies toilet with a group of legal secretaries from Middle Temple.
Alternatively, I could just go for a quiet drink after work at the Geek'n'Freak with the IT department........but I haven't played Halo 3 yet and would have little to contribute to the conversation.
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