Lost in translation...
My Australian accent must be softening. Very few people seem to be able to pick where I come from. In fact, I was talking to an Australian woman a couple of days ago and she thought I may have been from South Africa. I haven't purposely attempted to lose my accent, but you do tend to try and drop the upwards lilt at the end of every sentence - constant ribbing from work colleagues makes this a necessity.
Liam has adopted the local lingo with ease. He is constantly correcting my poor pronounciation and practices the art of village slang. If anything is bad or particularly corny he says it's 'pants' - at the moment most things seem to be 'pants'.
Mika is communicating entirely in MSN language with the rest of the family.
'What did you say?', I'd ask him.
'DW Dad', he'd respond.
'DW Dad, G2G. BRB', he'd say as he wanders back upstairs.
We don't talk as much as we used to. Primarily because I can't understand a word he says nowadays.
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