Bird Brain...
The Lorikeet is an attractive, but stupid bird. A couple of years ago one of them flew straight into the grill of my car - I was doing 50 km per hour at the time. How the bird failed to see over a tonne of moving metal has always baffled me - maybe it was just looking the other way?
An error in judgement is such a human trait. You don't often see a seagull apologising to one of its flock for taking out an eye with a wayward beak, or a cat pretending it never actually tripped over as it dusts itself of and limps off at pace.
I've recently been hand-feeding a flock of Lorikeets pieces of apple from my kitchen window. I've marvelled at their speed and precision as they swoop in low through the gum trees onto my deck - you can imagine my surprise to see, while standing in my dining room eating an apple, one of the Lorikeets swoop in low and at high speed straight into the glass doors I was looking out of.
The bird looked genuinely embarrassed. I don't know how he could possibly explain to his mates that he didn't see the house....
HA! I've seen Neil Newman do that too! If you want to see a more serious side to the pesky buggers....
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