
Another misinformed, misguided but opinionated individual who feels the need to contribute. Now you too can view the world through the the eyes of a middle-aged man who can't see his toes, let alone the point of it all.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

This Great Britain...

The English pub is a national institution. Nowhere else are the thoughts, feelings and aspirations of a nation better reflected than over a pint in a poorly lit, badly kept and oddly named local (no - the pub). Whether it is the Firthin Duck & Dog, the Cheshire Cheese or just the Cock - you will always learn more about this great nation in a pub, than you will watching TV or reading a book.

The three things I learnt at The George today were:

1. That the UK will be represented at Eurovision this year by a group called Scooch - they will apparantly sing a song about a gay aeroplane....or so the girl chatting to her friend at the next table said.

2. Apparantly if I remove the Sky satellite dish from my roof and wave it randomly in the air, I will pick up some 'wicked porn' from Eastern Europe - according to the drunken Chav playing the fruit machine with his mate.

3. The barmaid explains, with great patience, that my pint of Tanglefoot should look like swamp water and be served at room temperature - still doesn't explain the flavour.

Not that much of a surprise really - wine, women and song.


Blogger Ben Hollingsworth said...

lets investigate further soon....I have a feeling I can introduce you to more like the Gangster Hideout we visited recently!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Ben Hollingsworth said...

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10:51 AM  

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