
Another misinformed, misguided but opinionated individual who feels the need to contribute. Now you too can view the world through the the eyes of a middle-aged man who can't see his toes, let alone the point of it all.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Browner than a pair of rodeo rider's y-fronts...

Is there a hosepipe ban still enforced for southern England? My lawn is too wet to water anyway, but I wouldn't mind giving the car a wash....if only it would stop raining.

Still I can't complain. I read in the Sydney Morning Herald that there are still water restrictions in place for most of New South Wales and that they've recently placed a ban on open fires - can't be long before the authorities ask people to stop breathing as well.

Tony Blair just told delegates at conference in Finland that we have only fifteen years to do something about climate not buy a new pair of board shorts....something more significant than that! Apparantly, experts estimate that rising global temperatures will turn southern Australia browner than a pair of rodeo rider's y-fronts.

The news is much worse for England. Apparantly it's on a deadly path to becoming a tropical paradise. If that statement was designed to shock the UK into action, it's's hardly a deterrant, is it? If the experts wanted us to sit up and pay attention, they should have told us that unless we did something about climate changes absolutely nothing at all would change in southern England...


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