
Another misinformed, misguided but opinionated individual who feels the need to contribute. Now you too can view the world through the the eyes of a middle-aged man who can't see his toes, let alone the point of it all.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Always look on the bright side of life...

In a few days time, I will be sitting in a company induction. No doubt my out-of-focus photo ID badge will not be blurry enough to hide the fact that my choice of career - management, not male modelling - was not really a choice at all.

I remember my first 'work experience' role. I was 15 years old and I was placed by my school into the post room of Mackellor County Council. For three days I had to fold envelopes in a windowless office with a bitter middle-aged divorcee, an aging hippie and a rather large-breasted lady with a devious sense of humour - she would make suggestive comments to the 'bitter one' just to watch my ears turn red.

While this did not shape my career aspirations it certainly educated me. I decided there and then that it is far more important to do what you enjoy, rather than settle for just any job....but what sort of job should I try to secure?

My Career's Advisor at Balgowlah Boys High School barely managed to raise her head out of her copy of Woman's Day magazine, to tell me (between mouthfulls of her re-heated lasagne lunch) that I had little hope of ever experiencing a successful and fulfilling career, and that I should go back to the council and beg them to let me back into their post room.

I was offended. I had ambition. I had drive and enthusiasm....I couldn't work for the local council - my outlook on life was too positive! Instead, I went on the dole and started busking at Circular Quay. The road to here has not been paved or straight - but at least I'm still doing what I enjoy.


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