
Another misinformed, misguided but opinionated individual who feels the need to contribute. Now you too can view the world through the the eyes of a middle-aged man who can't see his toes, let alone the point of it all.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's so much easier to receive...

I read in the newspaper today that there will be over £6 billion spent on Christmas presents in the UK over the next 4 days. It sounds like a few people are leaving it to the last minute.....and I thought I'd be the only one (yeah, right!) rushing from store to store in a desperate, but futile attempt, to purchase that present that says 'I love you' in the appropriate manner.

With four days to go I'm onto the 3rd tier, less desirable items, of the officially sanctioned list of preferred family gifts. 'If you can't get me the grossly over-priced, high profile, brand thingy...then I guess I'll settle for the fashionable, but still pricey and utterly useless fad thingy instead'.

Oh, I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.....I should have started in June.


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